AFMIS Training sessions

A series of training sessions have taken place for AFMIS. On 6th of May AFMIS team started the PIM and MTBP module training with LM.

On 5th of June started the training of TDOs/ Web Portal and AGFIS for Electronic Archive at MoFE and it was completed on 28th of June according to the training plan.

While another series of training took place on 4th of July.  It was the training of AGFIS online BI’s started the training on Electronic Archive for justified financial documentation attachment. The training is completed successfully on 12 July 2019.

The training process was considered very challenging due to the big number of staff to be trained (all line ministries, central institutions, Treasury District Offices (36 TDO’s) and all general government institutions (around 1370 budgetary institutions around Albania)) and low capacity of Treasury department. Nevertheless this challenge was overcome thanks to the rigorous and strict planning of training ahead in time.

Legal Bases for AFMIS usage

Directives to enforce the mandatory use of new AFMIS are prepared from AFMIS team. The Draft of Council of Ministers Decision on regulating and enforcing AFMIS usage by all public government entities was prepared by MoFE and sent for comments to Ministry of Justice and NAIS (National Agency for Information Society).

On July 25th, 2019, the Council of Ministers approved the DCM for AFMIS. The DCM covers MTBP, PIM, BPPM , Web Portal and Electronic Archive. This DCM will enter into force after two weeks as per the regulation of publication in Official Gazette. 

On 29th of August Minister of Finance and Economy issued the Instruction nr.24 “For electronic archive implementation on budget execution process by general government units” 

System interaction modules

AFMIS is a very complex system with a considerable number of modules and lively interaction. The system is expected to communicate and exchange data with HRMIS/Payroll and Treasury in order to modernize and rollout HRM/Payroll modernization/rollout and activation of Treasury interface. Several meetings have taken place between DOPA and MoFE as well as NAIS which will be responsible for ensuring or procuring a technical solution. A technical solution is already been designed and testing will follow in September.

Another system that is expected to communicate and integrate with AFMIS/AGFIS is the e-Procurement interface. With regard to data exchange it will serve for ” available funds check at output level “and “procurement stages process for Investment Management”. 

An interesting feature is planed for AFMIS. It is related to the use of Digital Signature platform in AFMIS/Web Portal. It would make the identification of users more secure and authenticated.  

 Treasury will go live on September 9th with 4 institutions. The list of the institutions that will go live will be priory shared with AFMIS Directorate and IT Team at MoFE


On September 23rd, will start MTBP and PIM live/piloting with three selected Ministries. The selection of Line Ministries that will be the first piloting MTBP module, will be based on a consultation with the IPSIS team from PM office, in order to guarantee testing even the integration of MTBP module with IPSIS.