Based on Council of Ministers Decision no 290 date 11.4.2020, “For the creation of Government Integrated Planning System Information System (IPSIS)”, central institutions are obliged to create strategic documents, define policies, costing measures planned under strategies, approve policy items and monitoring their implementation through IPSIS.
The main goal is to create a state database of the Integrated Planning Information System (IPSIS), which aims at reorganizing the design of strategic and medium-term policies, programming, budgeting, monitoring, evaluation and coordination of policies in order to avoid fragmentation and duplication between government key policies and financial planning processes.
This system will interact with a number of other government systems such as: Financial Management Information System (AFMIS), Government Financial Information System (AGFIS), Foreign Assistance Management Information System (EAMIS), Electronic Consumer Knowledge and Registration Public (ECKRP), the Archives System of the Center for Official Publications (QBZ System), the Statistical Database and the Open Data Platform. The platform also enables access to the portal and government network through a single user registration. The administrative institution of the IPSIS system is the Unit responsible for the Prime Minister’s Good Governance Systems.
The process started with the training of trainers, and gradually continuing with other users’ level. More specifically with staff of main departments of PMO, as well as with at least two representatives from each ministry in specific directorates: Policy directorates, Projects Directorates, EU integration Directorate, Regulatory Directorate and Programs Directorate.
The training of the key staff started from mid-March 2020 and continued until May 15, 2020