With regard to EAMIS system here is a summary of main areas of progress:

  •  7 MoUs are signed with the development partners, namely with the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Embassy of Sweden, Embassy of Switzerland, USAID, OSCE Presence in Albania, and the UN Resident Coordinator Office in Albania
  •  Integration with IPSIS has been tested, but not with live data as IPSIS is still under development. Readiness of actual integration can only be resumed once IPSIS is populated with real data.
  •  Integration with AFMIS has been carried out with live data and there is exchange of information between the two systems. From a technical point of view it is finished. It is expected that the quality of data coming from AFMIS’ PIM module to improve by its focal users in the long-term.
  •  Integration with WB Client Connection database has been tested with real data and there is exchange of information from WB CC to EAMIS.
  • ​ Integration With ATRAKO registry can be considered completed.

The post – warranty contract for EAMIS system has been signed within the project’s timeline, and the maintenance of the system has already commenced.