EAMIS Modules

The system will serve as a reliable and credible source of information on overall donor, public, private and local investments in Albania’s development and economic growth. EAMIS is intended to support strategic management of external assistance through several modules as follows:

“Dashboard” Module: The system has a dashboard that will provide visual insight into the data that needs to be analyzed, thus giving decision makers the ability to utilize the information in real-time via powerful visual mechanisms. Additionally, it removes reporting development constraints, allowing them to view different types of reports, such as lists, tables, maps, and reports, presented in a user-friendly environment.

“My Projects” Module: The project module serves to record, manage data related to a project financed by foreign aid. This module records data regarding projects grouped under the following categories:

“FDI Projects” Module: The Foreign Direct Investment projects module serves to record, manage data related to a project financed by Direct Investment and will keep track of AIDA projects.

“PPP Projects” Module: The Concession / PPP Module will keep track of the projects that are followed by ATRAKO and will feed on data from the current ATRAKO system through automatic integration.

“Meetings” Module: The system also has a Meetings module, which will be used as a tool that will simplify the process of scheduling appointments and other similar with the various stakeholders, as well as allow for the recording of the results of these meetings, for example, minutes of meetings and issues that require action.

“Analytics” Module: The Analytics module contains analytical tools that can be used to analyze data in different ways, reflecting the variety of project tracking needs, as well as tools for searching, classifying and filtering data from any combination of variables.

Automatic Integrations with following systems will be available: