Në kuadër të zhvillimit të kapaciteteve për sistemin IPSIS, është hartuar plani i trajnimeve i cili përkon me tre faza

1.     First phase is related to training of the core groups of each module, which are identified as ToT users for every module in order enable them to host and coach modules within Ministry structures (first phase has trained 106 ToT users and they will train all structures within each ministry)

2. Faza e dytë përkon me trajnime të dedikuara me LM, lidhur me modulet respektive (80-përdorues të sistemit)

3.     Third stage, IPSIS unit is working with ASPA, to incorporate IPSIS modules in its training programs in order to ensure continuous and sustainable training for civil servants.

During the first phase of training IPSIS unit drafted the users’ protocol and defined 5 categories in accordance with modules of IPSIS through creating respective networks for each system: (i) Policy Network (ii) Regulatory Network (iii) EU integration network (iv) Programs Network (v) Project Network:

The first phase of training (i) familiarization with the system and respective modules (ii) usage of system (iii) knowing the manuals package of system (v) launching 5 IPSIS network

The first series of training have ran in two weeks period starting from 4-15 May 2020 with the overall objective to build the capacity of the officials of Project Directories for the Line Ministries users (Ministry of Infrastructure, Ministry of Finances, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Culture, and Ministry of Tourism).

Këto objektiva u arritën përmes prezantimeve (secili modul i detajuar), demonstrimeve praktike (të strukturës së dokumenteve dhe procesit të punës për secilin modul), si dhe nëpërmjet diskutimeve dhe praktikës ku për secilin modul çdo pjesëmarrës u përpoq të krijojë një dokument të ri pas hapave të shpjeguara nga moderatorët e trajnimit.

During this first phase of training, daily reports have been compiled for every module and a feedback mechanism is in place through surveys after each training session in order to address all issues related to IPSIS operation identified by ToT users. The package of manuals 25 in total available in English and Albanian was used to draft the curricula of the first phase of training.
About 19 modules were covered during the training and the total number of participants during the 2 weeks of training and for the all modules was: 106. Such activities were made possible thanks to World Bank office in Tirana through webex platform.

ips survey

The graph shows the survey results of one of the training